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Browsing through social media platforms such as TikTok, Reddit and Instagram, it’s clear that having healthy, glowing and youthful skin is the latest trend. According to Fortune Business Insight, the global skincare market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.68% (Fortune Business Insight). With the rapid market expansion and consumers becoming more knowledgeable about effective key ingredients, there has been a shift towards buying high-end skincare products. This is because consumers see the value in investing in premium ingredients to improve their skin health. Luxury brands have the capacity to invest resources in research and development (R&D), allowing them to utilize advanced scientific methods to create skincare products that often address skin concerns at the cellular level. This analysis explores the different regional websites of one of the top luxury brands in skincare: La Prairie Switzerland. The objective of this analysis is to derive insights from La Prairie’s products from the brand’s three english websites: The United States, Great Britain and Hong Kong.

La Prairie Switzerland


In 1931, La Prairie Clinic, an exclusive spa and laboratory situated at the base of Lake Leman in Montreux, Switzerland, successfully utilized science and technology to develop state-of-the-art skincare with the assistance of Dr. Paul Niehans. Dr. Niehans believed that scientific methods were the key to creating the highest performance skincare. La Prairie prides itself on its exceptional craftsmanship, utlizing pure and precious ingredients to ensure that only the highest quality products are made available to their customers. The invaluable ingredients used in their skincare products include caviar, gold and platinum. In addition, the brand uses exquisite packaging to provide their customers with a luxurious experience from start to finish.


The house has 5 collections that are highlighted on their websites (The United States, Great Britain and Hong Kong). Below are the collections and their respective benefits:

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In this section, we’ll explore the technical details of the report, starting with the data collection process, followed by performing data exploration which includes data visualizations to extract insights from the transformed data from each websites.


Data Collection

The data collection process started with scrapping three of La Prairie’s english websites (websites for regions that had an option to display information in English). This was achieved by creating a python program to pull data from each website. The following are the three data sources:

<aside> <img src="/icons/database_blue.svg" alt="/icons/database_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Data Sources

La Prairie US (The United States of America) →

La Prairie GB (Great Britain) →

La Prairie HK (Hong Kong) →


The python program can be found in my GitHub repository under the name:
