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Since it’s approval by the FDA (The Food and Drug Administration) in 1971, retinoic acid — the active ingredient in retinoids (including retinol) used in skincare products has gained significant popularity within the skincare community. Recently, skincare brands have increasingly emphasized creating products that contain retinoids making them a key ingredient in today’s skincare market. This analysis explores data on skincare products containing a variety of retinoid ingredients from both luxury and affordable brands. The objective of this analysis is to provide consumers with a foundation of knowledge on the benefits, side effects and characteristics of various retinoids, allowing the users to select the best option for their individual skincare needs. Additionally, the analysis will examine any market gaps for product types and retinoid ingredients that could be worth exploring for brands that wish to develop retinoid skincare.


What are retinoids?

Retinoids are vitamin-A derivative ingredients added to skincare products in order to treat or prevent undesired skin conditions such as:

Skin mechanisms

Retinoids, like any skincare ingredient, will activate several mechanisms on your skin to produce desired benefits. These include:

Benefits of retinoids

Based on the mechanisms initiated by retinoids outlined above, here are numerous noticeable advantages reported by users: